Saturday, November 19, 2011

Thanksgiving Weekend Sale Nov. 25-28

Shelf Reliance's biggest sale of the year is almost here. 

Click HERE to see all the sale items!

Sale starts Black Friday, November 25th 
and goes through Cyber Monday, November 28th!

Take a few minutes now to look through the Black Friday / Thanksgiving weekend Sale and get your order ready. Then when the prices go into effect Friday it will only take a minute to put your order in and save lots of money on some great items!

That's right people, this sale is available on my consultant website! You don't have to email me anything this time. Just go to and place your order. 



Of course, you can email me if you really want to, 
but you certainly don't have to.

Remember, prices take effect on Friday, Nov 25th. 

This is an excellent time to buy the gift of self reliance & preparedness for someone on your Christmas list!

AND... if you have thought about becoming a Shelf Reliance Consultant... 
NOW would be a great time! All consultant kits are 20% off. Pretty nice deal!

Some of my favorites: 6 Grain pancake mix, FD Sweet Corn, FD Raspberries, Tomato Powder, Macaroon Cookie Mix, Cansolidators, 72-hour emergency kits & the THRIVE Cookbook, among others.