Wednesday, September 19, 2012

September Q-pon & Specials

Better late than never right? 
I know I've said before that I seem to stay busy, but September's specials delay can be blamed on downed-internet, followed by an addition to our family. 
I'm back up and going now, so let's get to it...

September Q-pon
I've never made macaroons before I made there, but "just add water" and bake... 
So EASY and good!

You can even dip them in brownie batter, which is equally easy to mix up with water and also on special this month... 
We love the fudge brownies at our house!
Here are the other specials...

September Specials

Remember, you'll need to contact me to take advantage of these special prices or set up a Q to guarantee lowest prices always.